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membuat text conversation tugas bahasa inggris

Senin, 17 September 2012

Buat temen - temen yang lagi dapet tugas dari guru bahasa inggrisnya untuk membuat text conversation. Ni, saya punya hasil karya saya sama temen gila saya. Tapi, bagi yang anak SMANSI, khususnya kelas XI. maaf banget saya gak bisa bantu. karena hasil ini sudah saya setorkan. Jadi kalau kalian pakek ini. insyaallah tidak akan di terima. hehehe.

Gayus And The Three Wishes

Genie   : Hello, Good morning!
Gayus  : Hi, morning! Who are you?
Genie   : I am genie, thank you for helping me to get out from the bottle.
              Because of that, I will give you four wishes
Gayus  : No, I want five wishes.
Genie   : May not, I just give you four wishes.
Gayus  : emm, one or three, you deal or not?
Genie   : hahaha, I choose three.
Gayus  : The first, I want the time is passing quickly.
Genie   : Okay.
Gayus  : where is? Nothing happened
Genie   : Don’t say as like that, now, look your watch!
Gayus  : wow, I like your magic. Last time my watch showed at 09.30 and now my watch show at 09.35
Genie   : The second wish please!
Gayus  : I am confused, do you have any idea?
Genie   : ok
Gayus  : What? Don’t just say okay, give me your opinion!
Genie   : How about you ask me some food to break your fasting later.
Gayus : That’s good idea
Genie   : The third wish, please!
Gayus  : hey, it’s still the second
Genie   : No, the second wish, you ask me for giving you my opinion to you!
Gayus  : I like your magic. But I really dislike you!
              Now, give me food for break m fasting later
Genie   : okay!
Gayus  : Where is the food?
Genie   : I am sorry, can you repeat your asking last time
Gayus  : I want the food for breaking my fasting later!
Genie   : You asking is asking food later.
              So, I can’t give it now
Gayus  : You are lying to me
Genie   : By

By       : Ahmad Mutafiq Ulin Nuha              (02)
              Mohammad Syahirul Mubarok         (20)

School : SMAN 1 SIDAYU

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